Lenovo, Basingstoke
26th October 10am - 2pm
Featuring Smart Manufacturing Leads - Richard Allbert & Jonathan Butt
Join us as we discuss the challenges and solutions surrounding:
1 - Asset connectivity & how it can be done effectively. 10 - 11am
2 - Connecting data sources, databases, management systems & the assets themselves. 11 - 11:30am
3 - End users, the requirements, & their criticality for the successful adoption of digital technologies in industrial manufacturing. 11:30 - 12pm
4 - Lunch break. 12 - 1pm
5 - Real deployment. Energy Analytics & Ultimate Performance. 1 - 2pm
About Smartia
A new dimension in industrial intelligence, Smartia provides scalable AI solutions that connect and transform industrial data into actionable insights. MAIO, Smartia’s industrial intelligence platform combines edge computing, big data technology and AI-driven applications to provide a complete digital solution for the manufacturing and engineering industries. Smartia also offers an AI and Machine Learning application development service that is tailored to the customer’s needs. For more information visit www.smartia.tech
To confirm attendance or for further information, please email info@smartia.tech